Monday, February 11, 2013

A Full Circle

 It’s been almost a year since I first set foot in Thailand.  In my previous experience I was put up in the model apartment, and set up with roommates who quickly became friends.  With new sets of friends, I am constantly meeting people through castings and an amazing Expat community called Internations. 

A city that was once completely foreign and strange has quickly settled to become my home for the next few months. The other day I picked up the keys to my new studio apartment, and look forward to a nights sleep in my new bed.

Big thanks to Jan, my rental agent for driving me around and helping me through the entire process of choosing my place. Here are a few pictures of Chateau Zach:

Modeling is an industry that like all others grows as you gain experience.  Coming to a new country can always present challenges. In my previous experience  I built networks and became a familiar face with clients. This is something that will always aid in booking jobs. At this point, I have worked 2 and have another shoot in the morning. No TVC have been booked yet, but I am optimistic that they are coming.

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