Thursday, March 28, 2013

Keep Rollin’ Rollin’ Rollin’

As I listened to Van Halen yesterday, I couldn’t help but think Roll with the Punches would be a great title for this blog (I always fight over naming these).  In case you don’t know which song I am referring to its Jump!
During our Sunday stroll to channel 7 news, I was enlightened by a past hit I had forgotten. Do you remember chocolate starfish and the hotdog flavoured water? Well some ghetto Bangkok kid sure remembers fred durst and the the colorful heavy rock group Limp Bizkit by taggin it on a broken down building( so mad I forgot to take a picture). Myself, a fellow Canadian, a brit, an American and a Spaniard headed to the depths to witness a more andrenaline pumping side of Thai culture. Behind all the smiles, lay blood, sweat and tears. I of course am talking about the sport of Muay Thai. 

Teeee! Teeeee! Teee! My mind exploded like a watermelon from the 13th story of a building hitting concrete. The atmosphere kicked the shit out of any event I have ever been too, more than grey cup, Stanley cup finals game and way more than any UFC (although 149 hardly constitutes a good card even Dana agrees with that). 

Similar to my first lacrosse game I was  rather enamored by my lack of knowledge of the sport. With crazy intensity, much brought on by the crowd I could feel my heart racing further with excitement. I have no idea how scoring works, and much of the strategy I learned over the course of the afternoon.

For example: Rounds 1 and 2 are weighted less. Fighters during these rounds aren’t aggressive, rather they sit back and find their ranges, feeling out there opponent. However, when that bell smashes initiating the 3rd and 4th rounds, so do skulls, ribs and legs.  The angles these guys get for their elbows and knees are incredible. With lightning movements 3 knees, an elbow, kick and a few punches are thrown.  Why bother trying to explain, here is a quick video I snapped and some pictures.  

Following such an ardent sporting session, flowing back into the heat, we stopped at Chatuchak weekend market, picked up some new shades for 40 baht and grabbed a beer to reminisce of our favourite moments of the afternoon. The cheers and jeers of the crowd had us frequently trying to figure out what they were saying. Along with that our interest peaked when we placed a bet. I can see why people bet and sometimes bet big.  The thrill of backing the fighter in his blue or red shorts, captivated further into the experience.  

I have also been working a bit this week so my next posts will likely include some of that.

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