Saturday, May 4, 2013

I like to move it, move it!

To be quite honest I am not exactly sure how this popped up. Close to a month ago now I did a shoot with Mitsubishi Ralliart. Being a car nut, I was naturally excited about the product. I shot a catalog and web page for the Ralliart sportswear collection. While shooting they also created a fun little behind the scenes video.  

Interestingly enough this brought to my attention something that a lot of new models struggle with… movement.  For some movement in front of the lens comes easy, and others it’s like pulling teeth with a pair of vice grip pliers. As you start to work, you start to loosen up and get more comfortable. Simply put, the better you are at moving the happier the photographers are, the better the pictures are and in turn, less time wasted.  

What exactly is movement though? Simply put it’s your ability to change from picture to picture freely. Each click or flash you move. Sometimes its subtle like eyes, but more frequently its head position, or even full body. The purpose would be that if the photographer clicks that shutter 100 times, you get 100 different pictures. It sounds rather easy, by in my experience working with other models it can be more challenging than walking past Nana (in Bangkok) and not having a prostitute hit on you. 

Now I am not perfect either. When I first got to Bangkok this year I worked with the most difficult person I have ever had to deal with. Nothing is good enough, a true asshole of sorts, trashing my confidence and belittling. I came very close to walking off on the job. In my effort to remain professional I belittled him using complex English and just gritted my teeth.  With confidence shot, my mind drew blank and flow disappeared. It happens to the best of us at times. 

Anyway all that aside here are some more shots.

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