Thursday, November 22, 2012

Don’t be so shy

Over the past 3 weekends and this upcoming weekend Kevin and I have helped entertain shoppers and create some buzz surrounding J. Estina (a popular hand bag and jewelry company).  Events are one of the downsides to any modeling contract, or they can be. Usually the pay is mediocre at best, it involves long hours of standing, interaction can sometimes be difficult and of course you don’t get to use anything in your book.

A few highlights and lowlights from past jobs exist. In Canada was hired to assist women on and off the stage at the Avon awards last year. While it was great to interact with plenty of beautiful women, standing still in one spot for 6 hours is not my knee or back’s idea of a good time. 

 In Singapore a job that could possibly be regarded as the worst modelling job I ever participated in, I was cast to convince customers to get a skin whitening makeover on the street of an incredibly hot day. Soaked in sweat wearing dress shirt and pants, the client continually bitched at us for not convincing people to come in and try the skin whitener product. Meanwhile Singaporeans were running the other direction the second they saw us. With the client continually changing what she wanted us to do (only pale skinned women over 50, only pale skinned women, any woman, man and women). She whined and complained and we were paid less because of this. 
Who me?
Thailand I worked as one of the Avengers, Hawkeye for an international car show one. This was a fun and easy job. A few weeks later myself and the other models in my agency were hired to attend a wedding banquet and after party.  It was there we danced our asses off and had a blast.  Guests were literally lining up for a fun boogey or to share a smile.

Which brings me to J. Estina gigs lately. The clients have been awesome. Very friendly and concerned for our well being (water, snacks, etc.). For myself this can make a world of difference from that bitchy client I described earlier.  While the first day of this event was in a very slow section of the mall, each week has picked up and become more and more fun. To the point of last week I would literally pull women to join us for photos (the shy ones) and at other times there would be a 15 minute queue for a polaroid with the sharp dressed men. 

A born natural
This woman was afraid I would kiss her on the cheek

For events having fun is always a key and it just makes smiling that much easier.  I guess I can make that statement even more broad.  Life is more fun when you are smiling.

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