Friday, January 25, 2013

Back to a familiar place

Oops, my bad. Here I am off on a jet plane again and forgetting to share updates. For the past month I have been planning another trip, 2 weeks ago the contract was signed and today I hopped aboard my Thailand express. 

That’s right Thailand back to the Thailand of smiles  and the most delicious food known to my taste buds. For the next 90 days, my craft will continue to be practiced in front of the lens, and flashy bulbs. Of course with this trip I am a little wiser and a little more experienced especially with regards to the city of Bangkok.

My previous endeavor I stayed in a model apartment, sharing a bedroom and living a fair distance from everything that is fun. Think Zoolander again, 2 sometimes 3 guys sharing rooms with bunk beds and all. Distance meant that the agency provided at cost a driver to take you to and from castings. Initially a driver sounds great, and for many it stays that way. For me however, I would much rather take a taxi or public transit than sit around waiting for a girl to finish her job, or be piled in a clown car of models. 

At this exact moment I don’t have an apartment on lock down, but there are several solid prospects. Out of the goodness of friends, I will have a place to lay my head while I search for living accommodations.

There is always an advantage to returning to a previous market. In the field of modeling and particularly strong in Thailand is familiarity.  Thai’s are more comfortable working with someone they know (makes sense to me).  Unlike my first trip, the patchwork has been laid, past clients and casting directors will hopefully be more likely to book me.  As with any venture in modeling there are no guarantees though. 

There is yet one more bonus if you will about this trip, it comes down to friends. Each time I have gone to a country; I have entered knowing no one, or if luckily there is friends of friends (which has worked out nicely). This time  however I feel like half the world will be there, friends from university teaching English, past co-workers ready for rowdy holiday and people I have met anywhere along the way exercising their diplomatic duties.

I am eternally wishing that technology advances before my trip home, as these long haul flights are truly wearing on me.  This adventure finds me 3 hours, followed by 11 and finishing with an additional 7, my butt can only handle so much. 

Lastly, what’s the deal United? Living in the past, no seatback television or power? Apparently they are living in the stone ages. 


  1. Hey. Great post and pics.
    Hang in there. Long flights are tough. I have flown with United and it wasn't so bad. My worst experience is with Aeroflot Beijing-Moscow. It's what you described for United except tiny airplane, snotty flight attendants, shitty service, no place for carry on (had to be inside toilet). Hope you get some days off to go exploring to the islands!

  2. That's disappointing about aeroflot their commercials when I was in Seoul were always spectacular.

    I plan on taking a few days to go scuba diving again on the islands.
