Monday, April 22, 2013

Good? Bad? I am the guy with the gun! Song kran part neung!

After an epic Song Kran last year I didn’t think anything could come close. Well as the Thais say “Same same, but different”. As awkward of a phrase this is, the description of the events is incredibly accurate. Last year we marched down Silom, danced our asses off in RCA and then day 2 put a full assault on Khao San. In case you forgot here is that blog:

Coordination was a little different this year and I wasn’t able to meet up with the same crew. Plans with our international militia came to fruition and before you knew it you had an earful of ice water. An Aussie, American, a few Russians, Dane, Brit, and of course a couple Canadians jumped into the back of a truck and started our drive by soakings.  Parading up and down Sukhumvit and along our way to Khao San we unloaded litre after litre onto the streets of Bangkok.  Pictures to come of course.

On Khao San, we met up with Bravo Company (consisting of Spaniards, more Russians, a few swedes and a token Brit) to crush some delicious vegetarian thai cuisine. Of course only after launching our multifaceted phalanx attack on the heavily armed Khao San Legion. Refreshed and ready to apply destruction with ice-cold water, we tactically moved back to our personnel carrier. 

As Tyler said it best, “This is the only time of year we praise Bangkok traffic!”. As the 4 of use guys piled out of the truck and wistfully moved between stagnant cars and popping up for sniper shots on unsuspecting walkers, bus patrons and fools with windows open.  Tuk tuks are prime targets this time of year as there is no protection from the icy bath of my Super Soaker 5500.  

All this running and shooting builds up an appetite very quickly so a few people went to Khao San while a few of us found an Aussie owned Sports bar. In the mess hall we slammed a chilled pint and some few only to return to more mayhem, in the form of Foam and more water.  

My time of being soaked was approaching in the 11 hours range and I was more than ready to call it a night.

Get to the choppa

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