Monday, July 15, 2013

Hell yeah! Science! (Latest TVC is out)

A few months back, I wrote about my scientist job. Think, think, think, oh yes a unique biomarker derivative. It was a fun commercial to shoot, but also extra exciting because I had the opportunity to speak in the commercial.

While I am working on finding the full English version (which I doubt I will find), you can hear me in the background with the Thai voiceover… as always enjoy.

While on the topic of science, I thought I would take this opportunity to talk about 2 more things.

    • My favourite TV show: Breaking Bad (a bit of science spiced in there)
    • A common nutrition myth

On the Breaking Bad note, I have been watching it again on Netflix. While not completely immersed as I was on the plane to Korea last fall, I can say I thoroughly enjoy the show. The gradual change of protagonist to antagonist is unique for a mainstream show. My favourite movie the godfather follows a very similar structure this way. Of course, I find it further interesting when they add the bits of Chemistry whether in the production of meth or how hydrofluoric acid won’t eat through a particular plastic. Those moments make me go aha!

As I have discussed many times, my background is a Bachelor of Science: Applied human nutrition. A facebook conversation with a few friends the other day lead me to something I should share with everyone. The nutrition myth: Margarine is one molecule away from plastic.  I have heard this so many times. 

Let’s start with what plastic is. Plastics are made up of smaller molecules linked together in a long chain. The main component of plastics is usually petroleum based products, which is where people become scared of this myth.  The thought of consuming a plastic bag, being the same as consuming car oil is rather repulsive. Plastics can also be made from wood, corn, other plants, and even sugar. Check out this about bio plastic. (

So as you can see one fear is that plastic and margarine can both be made from vegetable oil, however that is where their congruency meets demise. Furthermore the thought that just one molecule could change margarine completely is a little naive. With margarine there are hundreds of molecules that vary from plastic. Many other simple even life giving substances can be made deadly with a change of molecule. Even without change sometimes. For example: H2O is water, but HF (hydrofluoric acid) in the right concentrations is used to etch glass or even burn your skin (Breaking Bad did this if you remember).  Or standard table salt sodium chloride/NaCl as another example: pure sodium in water reacts rather explosively. And Cl or chlorine, we know as a common antiseptic, but was used in World War 1 as a weapon. Clearly 1 molecule can make a difference.

I hope that clarifies things a little for you about that 1 molecule thing with margarine.

One last note. Thanks everyone for the support so far. I should be cracking 20 000 views very soon. 

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