As of my last update I was on the plane from Tokyo to
Singapore. The service continued to be excellent. We arrived 15 minutes ahead
of schedule.
Upon my arrival to the airport I was unsure what to expect
with Immigration. Things ended up being very simple. I had filled a little card
out with my information, they asked how long I was staying and that was it. My
biggest worry of this entire ordeal was that my bag would be lost. By the time
I finally got my butt to the carousel the first bag I saw happened to be mine,
convenient I truly must say. Upon throwing my bag through their x-ray machine
not a word was said about the next 2 shots of twinrix in my bag.
The time was now 4 am after all of this. Before I missed my
shot I kindly asked one of the stewardess if we could snap a picture together.
I was afraid of waking the landlord at such an early hour so figured I would
give it another hour before calling. During that time I explored the airport,
tried to connect to their wireless and failed and bought a sim card for my
phone (new Singapore number).
The cabby that brought me into town was outstanding. He
explained that the causeway we were on was reclaimed land (they added dirt to
the ocean to build it), talked about the giant Ferris wheel, F1 racing in town,
the different districts, etc. He informed me that as handsome white guys don’t
go to whatever district it was with the prostitutes. “ They are 200-300
dollars, why would you pay that. For you the ladies should be free” now that’s
a direct quote I must add. After a few
minutes of arriving to my new pad I crashed, but not before having a quick
conversation with mom, then an hour later with dad.

Upon making it to my agents place, the adventures were about
to begin. Here is what the schedule for today looked like:
10:30 Meet with Agents
12:00 Get pictures printed and comp cards made up
2:00 Meet at Nike for a casting
4:00 Meet for a condo casting
That was the plan. When in reality there was, get lost about
10 times tossed in there. But fortunately been tall and white helps a lot when
you need directions. I stick out like a sore thumb and everyone has been
wonderful helping me. One guy even pulled up his google maps and searched up
the walking directions.
The Nike casting was interesting. As I meandered through the
streets of Singapore I bumped into another tall guy, sure enough he was a
model. This helped now that we had 2 heads going for the same place. This was
also about the same time it started raining. In Calgary you have +15’s in
Singapore they have covered sidewalks. I easily walked a KM or two in the rain
without getting a drop on me. Unfortunately I was soaked in sweat. Back to the
casting, while up there I met a guy from Poland, a few women from Russia and
another one from South Africa. The casting was quick which likely means I
didn’t get the gig. O well.
After finishing with Nike, I had 2 hours to kill so I found
a nice little place to grab a bite. I had grilled chicken with corn on the cob
and a house salad + my green tea. The bill was about 9 bucks. I was satisfied
with the meal, although the corn was certainly cooked too long. Overall the
experience was not bad, pleasant service and very fast, although it was 2:30 in
the afternoon.
Last casting for the day was for a Condo development. Back
onto the train I jumped. While on the train I received 3 text messages from my
agent. A fitting, a job and another casting were all added to my schedule.
Lucky for me, only 2 things for tomorrow (Tuesday). I got off at my train
station, then tried to orient myself with the map. I had a tap on the shoulder
and another model had just come from there. This girl was originally from
Hungary, but her family is in Australia. She also just recently moved to
Singapore. A few brief directions and I was set on course for the casting. This
casting was different as I had to take about 10 or 15 shots with a
photographer. The woman was great to talk to and I learned that my getting
smaller made me look younger. Which might not be a good thing. Hopefully they
have a solid gym around here.
This brings me to my final thought for the day. Apparently
the landlord doesn’t want any major cooking productions going on in the
apartment. This is a bit of an issue and for those of you who know me I love
cooking. I haven’t met her yet, but I need to gather a full understanding of
what is intended. So my stop at Fair Price foods, I purchased canned tuna,
buckwheat crackers (odd I couldn’t find rice crackers), some good old peanut
butter, snap peas and Asian pears.
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