I called the night a little earlier on Friday so I could
have plenty of rest for my first job in a while. The new Bayfront MRT station
was opening and there was to be a big celebration, myself and a number of other
models were the attraction. As
celebrations for Chinese New Year begins, we were made up to be signs of the
After 2 hours of preparation and fixing my hair to 3 or 4
different styles the even was beginning. For the next couple hours, we all
stood there taking pictures with people. You would not believe the queue
(that’s what they always call lines here) easily 300-400 people lined up at all
times to get free stuff and a picture with their Zodiac. The dragon was very
popular too as we are entering the year of the dragon. I didn’t have my cell
phone on hand so I couldn’t take pictures of all of us. Although I am sure I
will receive some digitals from the event coordinator and photographer as we
provided email addresses for them.
Here is a quick one of me once we finished:
I have never had this much makeup on in my life; as a result
I wouldn’t exactly say I was prepared to take it off. Turns out wet naps and
towels can only do so much. Especially eye liner! I am so glad to not wear make
up regularly. Fortunately after the event, and a quick gym session, I was
heading to Catherine’s for a dinner party and she would have make up remover.
Looking like I had 2 black eyes, I tossed on my shades and
headed onto the MRT. Having trouble seeing on the train with glasses on I decided
to take them off. When I met up with Bernie to head the rest of the way she
immediately spotted all the makeup. She said it looked good, but I certainly
didn’t feel comfortable with it all on. The first stop at Catherine’s was to do
my makeup/ get it off.
The first time at Catherine’s I couldn’t eat the pizza they
had prepared. But in our advanced planning and by me actually informing them
this time, rice pasta salad was made and mmm a tuna steak. It was all-delicious!
From Catherine’s the 7 of us headed to their favourite bar
Mogumbo’s. I quite enjoyed this place, it wasn’t extremely loud like Attica or
LeNoir and they played music I enjoyed. As a result I lost my voice trying to
sing, it’s still a little dry right now. It’s either that or I might be getting
a little sick.
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