Friday was an interesting day. As I mentioned Corey and I
grabbed some Thai food that was awesome.
Accompanied by another trip to Ikea, I have been become an Ikea fiend,
although I still dislike it. It’s kind of interesting now that there are tons
of bamboo plants and red/gold pillows in heart of the holiday season.
Thankfully Friday was a scheduled rest day from Rushfit.
Although I did go for a half hour run. The humidity is something I will never
get used to. After getting all cleaned up I headed to Sque. Sque is a
restaurant/bar in Clarke Quay where this months Internations gathering was to
happen. Meeting up with Zora, David and eventually Clemens we all set out to
meet new people.
The first event I was a little nervous as to what to expect,
this time was different. Immediately I met 3 or 4 people from France, shortly
followed by an American woman. It still feels weird to tell people that I am
here to model, but oh well. I always feel like preconceived notions about
models will judge me before anyone begins to have a conversation with me.
Thankfully I am good enough at communicating that anyone sharing a few words
with me realizes I am not like most models.
While chatting with a few women from Germany, I discovered
one works in Crop Protection for BASF. Now this doesn’t mean much to many of
you but I found this interesting as my father works in crop protection as well,
direct competition. Well not quite as he specializes in Canadian crops, wheat,
canola, barley, etc. while this woman deals mostly with rice.
The environment felt so much more inviting than the first
event I attended. On many occasions I felt a tap on the shoulder to turn around
and see an outstretched hand. I met many people from the UK, saw Barbara (my
squash partner) from a distance, a few people I met the previous event
(including Qian who I will be going bowling with and some of her friends), and
you got it CANADIANS. Since I arrived I have only briefly bumped into 1
Canadian. This wasn’t the case tonight.
While talking with the Germans, they mentioned they saw a
few Canadians, and then tap tap, turn around nothing. Look down, ah there she
is. A very outgoing Asian woman from Toronto. She was hilarious, fun and loved
chatting about hockey. While discussing snow and snowboarding, another woman
from Toronto appeared, then Montreal. While chatting another one walked by and
I grabbed her, she was from Winnipeg. Before you knew it we were in Canada
central and more were gravitating our direction. No other Calgarians, but every
province was represented except Saskatchewan, NL and NB. It was a pleasure to
get a taste of home, even if it was just in conversation.
I love to people watch, and as things calmed down I began to
do such a thing. A Singaporean joined me for this, we laughed because of the
entire pick up lines guys tried to use on her that night. The thought hadn’t even crossed my mind, but
what were your intentions of coming tonight.
For me it was obvious to meet new friends, and tonight had been quite
successful. But as I looked around it became evident that some people were
there for networking, others to get drunk, and some to find a companion.
Interesting concept. We continued joking about the book “the Game” by Neil
Strauss, which is basically about how to pick up women. A few guys blatantly
said things directly from that book. Which is fine most the time as most people
haven’t read it or even heard about it. But it’s A) Lazy B) makes you look like
an absolute fool if its not congruent with your personality. Anyone looking for tips to meet women, be
confident, and be you. The same holds true for friends, be you, be confident
and most importantly have fun.

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