As time rolls around so does my biological clock striking
another year on my tally. While not feeling any older this year, every day I do
feel wiser and more experienced.

In the past I haven’t received much as a model, a belt,
maybe button up shirt. Something has changed lately though, or I have just been
lucky. Huge thanks to Bagspace for the great wallet (actually got me to start
using a wallet again). More thanks goes out to the Team at Nobody jeans for a
sweet hat. And lastly thanks to Circle, Danae and Pichai for the sick watch and
bag for my birthday.
Friday we celebrated with dinner and myself singing with the
band, Saturday more ears were graced with my wonderful voice, and Sunday a Mexican
night at a friends place. I danced, I laughed and had a really good time. It
has taken a little while, but I have really started to feel at home here in
Bangkok again. I have developed a solid group of friends, some will only be
while I am here and others can friendship for many years to come.
Stay tuned for my next post as it will have many new
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