Likely the most popular question I get asked when someone discovers my background and also a nearly impossible question to answer in one sentence. While I can't hit the nail directly on the head instantly a book I read a few years ago certainly does. His answer (not exactly just one sentence).
"Eat food. Not to much. Mostly plants." - Michael Pollan Food Rules
I have been very easily distracted today, bouncing many ideas, from left, right and centre field. Back to my topic at hand, Keep Pushing. I finished the insanity workouts last year while I was in Singapore, and while they were tough and I sweat a lot, and even pushed myself very hard nothing compares to the feelings of todays workout. Its been a few years since I felt the intensity, the leaping of your heart from your chest, the pulse racing through your neck and palpable at every point of your body. This is over exertion at its finest. Few people let themselves get to this level and even fewer enjoy it. I do enjoy this though.
I am chock full of quotes today, here is likely my favourite quote I have come across. Written by a man who received a Nobel prize for Literature.
"Only those who will risk going to far, can possibly find out how far one can go" - T.S. Eliot
Chris at 2110 wrote up this insane workout for me. I nearly spilled my cookies (gluten free of course), almost fell countless time jumping and in the end felt pure bliss knowing I pushed myself to my limit. Here it is:
10 minute Dynamic Warm-up
Airdyne sprint - 800 watt, 5 sec rest x3 10 Pushups, 10 Situps, 10 Jump Squats (Repeat circuit for 9 reps, 8,7,6... to zero. No rest.
Rest 5 minutes and set up equipment for complex.
25x Pullups
50x Pushups
50x Deadlifts 135 lbs
50x Floor wipers (per side)
50x 24" Box Jumps
50x One Arm Dumbbell Snatches 55 lb DB
25x Pullups
Complex For Time: _17:56____
While the complex certainly presented a big challenge for me it was that damn Air dyne. By around the 7th round nausea set in, and the last 2 sprints yakking seemed inevitable. I fought through and survived to tell this tale.
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